Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium 2024/2025

As a special needs School in a disadvantaged area, one of our funding channels comes from Pupil Premium. Introduced in 2011, The purpose of PPM is to address inequalities between children from low income families and their wealthier peers. This additional funding aims to tackle disadvantage by reaching those pupils who need it most. It is allocated to schools on the basis of children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), Children of service families and children who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months (LAC).

  • Total Number on Roll: 244

  • Eligible for Pupil Premium: 67.3%

  • Pupil Premium Grant: £136,498.02

  • Looked After Children Grant: £3,800

Objectives in spending PPG remain:

  • To support access to activities, events and overnight residential placements that students might not otherwise be able to access due to financial disadvantage

  • To provide laptops for home learning

  • Provide Dramatherapy 4 days a week to support most vulnerable pupils in developing communication and self esteem

  • Develop pupil independence skills with the support of an Occupational Therapist 5 days a week

  • To assess emotional well-being, physical health, social functioning, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through therapy

  • Provide small weekly social communication skills groups

  • Provide a mid-morning snack

  • Subsidise student uniform and PE kit

  • Provide a full time School Counsellor

  • Provide Maths and Reading Intervention Lessons

  • Provide Peripatetic Music Lessons

The Leadership Team will:

  • Track the progress and attainment of those students in receipt of PPG and compare this to the rest of their cohort

  • Monitor and ensure good attendance

  • Identify appropriate additional interventions and evaluate their effectiveness

  • Record behavioural incidents for those on PP and compare to the rest of their cohort

  • Monitor parental attendance at parent’s evenings, annual reviews and events for those in receipt of PPG and engage effectively with those families

Our 8 Looked After Children receive additional specific funding enabling staff to attend regular reviews and providing them with reading support on a daily basis.

Pupil Premium Documents

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Pupil Premium Impact Statement